Growpura Gains Two More
International Patents

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GrowPura® is delighted to have been awarded a further two International Patents in Canada and Australia for its unique and world-first GrowPura® Vertical Farming System (VFS) .

This builds on other GrowPura country patents already granted in the UK, and Singapore with other countries due to be announced soon.

The licensable GrowPura VFS delivers improved sustainability performance and commercial results and is suitable for existing or new vertical farming companies.

Its inherent lower carbon and start-up cost design delivers an extra 100-300% output for an equivalent building with the same growing space.

The GrowPura VFS features unique patented automated moving technology which combines to reduce energy demand for lighting, uses fewer fixtures, a lower real estate footprint but enhances the stimulation of the crops to give a higher output.

Nick Bateman, Executive Chairman of GrowPura says:

“GrowPura has invested significant resources over the last ten years to innovate the GrowPura VFS and is committed to offering the technology to drive more access for citizens to more sustainable and wholesome food solutions.

Our vision to help grow food and ingredients that are better for the planet and better for people is a commitment all our team share as we strive to power the next generation of vertical farming”.

For further information on our technology, contact our team on 0345 5481812

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